Hello list,   On the subject of fake pallasite crystals being tested.
If anyone has some authentic olivine peridot from a pallasite that
could be donated to the GIA the Gemological Institute of America's lab
to have tested they could find the difference between the terrestrial
and the meteoric type. They have a lab that studies and tests every
type of gemstone that exists including man-made simulants and fakes
and if they haven't already I'm sure they would love to study them and
come up with a test at no cost other than the donation.
              I'm a gem cutter as well as a meteorite collector and
enthusiast and have tried to find some unshattered pieces to cut for
myself. Usually, the person trying to sell me the meteorite material
has terrestrial gem material trying to be passed off as the pallasite
olivine for a high price. Luckily because of my gemology and meteorite
knowledge, I can tell the difference although a sure fire test for
everyone would be great.  If anyone has any they would like to donate
and have tested ( I'm sure they'd love to work on it )  contact the
GIA in Carlsbad, CA and maybe they can come up with a test to make it
easier to separate the two.
               Also if anyone has any unshattered crystals and would
like to have some material cut I can facet the material and even work
out a trade type situation to keep it affordable if it helps. Anyway
just a thought. I may look into it myself.

 Keep on Rockin Rock Heads,  Sean Brooks #7781



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