At 03:18 AM 10/12/02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I realize this is more than a little OT and probably wasting some people's 
>time -- so I apologize in advance -- but I just couldn't resist. Of all 
>the weird things I've seen on the M-List (and there have been plenty), 
>accusing Symantec of creating new viruses in order to sell their own 
>products is one of the nuttiest . . . right up there with the Frass 
>meteorite even!

Hello Geoff and List Members,

I have an associate that used to work as a security advisor for an 
anti-virus software company other than Symantec.  He told me that this 
particular (and left nameless here) company had a policy of paying their 
customers a $50.00 finders fee for every new virus they sent in for 
recognition and analysis.  It turned out that several of the companies 
programers were creating new viruses in their spare time and turning them 
in for the reward money.

 From the outside looking in, it might appear that some impropriety was 
taking place, but it certainly wasn't the company itself that was creating 
the problem.  A software giant like Symantec would not risk their 
reputation and their future by creating new viruses just to sell more of 
their products.

John Gwilliam

Meteorite-list mailing list

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