Paper: Denton Journal
City:    Denton, MD
Date:   Saturday. June 19, 1926
Page: 2

Claims to Have Found Life in Meteorites

     A startling discovery by two French scientists, Messieurs Galippe and 
Souftlend (?), may have even more startling results if their investigations 
are pursued.  They submitted a number of meteorites to micoscopic research, 
and assert that in some of the specimens they found lifegerms which showed 
definite signs of vitality and development when places in culture tubes.
     The late Lord Kelvin once put forward the theory that the origin of 
life on the earth ws due to germs brought here from other planets by 
meteorites.  Few scientists agreed with this daring surmise, the chief 
objection being that no form of life could survive the intense cold in space 
or the devitalizing effect of the "ultraviolet" rays projected by the stars.
     Since then it has been proved that seeds and certain germs will survive 
temperatures as low as 250 degrees below the Centigrade zero.  The 
"ultraviolet" ray objection is now being investigated.  Some experts declare 
that germs embedded in meteors are effectively protected from the rays.

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