Hello list,
I have a largest meteorite for sale, its tow pieces one weigh 19240g the other 
50660g, who's interessing cantact me " aidmoha...@rocketmail.com "
who interessing can see it on this web:
best regards
Aid mohamed

--- On Fri, 1/30/09, Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson questions and predictions
> To: "Adam" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 9:26 PM
> Hi Greg and List Members,
> You are right about it being expensive. The hotels and
> rental car agencies jack up their prices to ridiculous
> levels during the show. You cannot get a direct flight in
> without passing through Phoenix where almost every flight is
> overbooked. One year, Zann and I got bumped four times on a
> guaranteed flight, not standby.
> I told myself after last year's show, I would never
> attend again. It simply wasn't worth it anymore.  In the
> past, there were always some great deals to be had but very
> few last year. I added up all of my travel expenses and
> could have spent several weeks in Hawaii or taken a cruise
> for what it cost to stay there less than a week.
> Add in the fact, that two different local motels, two years
> in row, took it upon themselves to rip off funds from my
> credit card and you get the idea. To add insult to injury,
> even the crime ridden and bed bug infested motels on Miracle
> Mile triple their prices during the show because Tucson
> doesn't have the capacity to host this many guests
> without them. One year, we booked on-line with a so-called
> "two star rated motel" and got stuck in one these
> units, complete with a crack pipe hidden in the disgusting
> kitchenette. It smelt as if somebody had been buried
> underneath it. Then there is the traffic problems due to
> never ending road construction.
> I used to put up with all of this because it was great to
> escape the rainy and ever cloudy Northwest for better
> weather, the parties were fun and there used to be some
> great deals.
> This year will probably be the last time I go to the Tucson
> show.  The only thing that brings me back this year is that
> I enjoy talking to collectors and enthusists about
> meteorites. I also have some unfinished business that needs
> to be concluded this year. 
> I do wish everybody who is attending a good time and
> apologize for the negativity.  The subject came up about how
> expensive it is and I wanted to address this since it is a
> sore spot with me. 
> Best Regards,
> Adam
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