Hi all,

I have a historic French meteorite specimen for sale. It is a 4.99
gram chunky part slice of Vouille. Vouille fell on 13th May, 1831 and
the TKW was represented by a single mass. To quote Martin Horesji:

'The distribution of Vouillé is rather lopsided. Of the 20kg recovered
in the form of a single stone, over 14kg resides in the Natural
History Museum in Paris. The second largest piece barely topping
1/28th of the size of the Paris specimen , or half a kilogram, is in
the Field Museum in Chicago. The third largest is a 338g piece in the
Arizona State University collection, and the Vatican rounds out 4th
place with 240g. The list goes downhill fast from there with 209g in
the Smithsonian collection, 153g in New York, 116g in Prague, and
every other entry across the world including the Natural History
Museum in London reports less than 100 grams. Some much less such as
the 9g in the Max Planck Institute collection.'

So this piece is not of an inconsequential size given the sizes above
and that the 14kg main mass still resides at the NHM Paris. This
meteorite is also more French than most as it fell in a vineyard! Take
this chance to get your hands on this historic specimen.

Prices of specimens currently on the market range from $150 to $300
per gram (all for 2 grams and larger pieces). I offer this specimen
here at a very reasonable $120 per gram making a price of $599.
Shipping will be insured and will be $14 to the USA, $12 to Europe and
$8 to the UK.

The piece can be seen here:


Please reply off list if interested.



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