Dear All,

This saturday we have two auctions ending on saturday that you canb find at:

1- EL AROUSS L-IMB (unclas.) - 68.8g indiv.: Cut individual weighing 68.8g, dimensions 42x29x22mm, with vesiculated cavities and a nice chondrule on the cut section.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318

2- SAH 02500 L3 - 96.7g partslice: Partslice weighing 96.7g, dimensions 87x46x11mm, with dark and fair grey inclusions, big chondrules... a wide partslice, very typical of SAHARA 02500.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318

Thanks for watching and good luck to bidders! Both auctions are still very close to the starting price of $1.


Last summer i offered on my website some nice individuals of a very fresh chondrite that i had from Morocco, and all of them got sold very quickly (see pictures at Classification is still pending but i already got the information that whet we first thought to be a possible H3 is actually a very fresh H4. More details should come soon i hope with NWA number. But for those of you who wanted to get some a nd could not, i already have two fragments of the same chondrite weighing respectively 150g and 270g and i am expecting very soon an individual weignhing a bit more than 4kg that was broken in two pieces either at lending or in the low atmosphere as there is no secondary fusion crust. I will update my website in the two coming weeks but should any of you be interested please contact me by email and i will send you some pictures.

Kind regards,

Frederic Beroud
IMCA #2491
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