Hello list
        First of all I couldn't agree more with Elton
about the ADS.Even more frustrating is when people
give a link to their auction that doesn't even
             New asteroid 2003 QQ47 rates a 1 on the
Torino scale.Article here:

I've been waiting for 5 months for membership to the
IMCA:Anyone know if Rhett is still alive?No replies to

Ken O' Neill,any more info on the fireball over
central Ireland?

I've been scouring old newspapers from 1902 trying to
find info on the Crumlin fall from March 14th of that
year to do a follow up search.Absolutely
zilch,nada.Will take a run out to Crumlin soon to try
and find some 90-100 year old folks for any info.

take care all
Jim Brady

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