China's Moon rover has activated its science tools. Imaging experiments have 
Space Industry News
December 20, 2013

Six out of the eight pieces of scientific equipment deployed to the moon 
with the Chang'e-3 lunar mission have been activated by scientists and 
are functioning properly, according to those working on the mission. 

Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, scientists said the Yutu lunar 
rover and the Chang'e-3 lander have functioned as planned.

Su Yan, deputy designer of the Chang'e-3 ground applications system stated 
that, "Except for the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer and the visible 
and near-infrared imaging spectrometer, the instruments have all been 
activated and are undergoing tests and adjustments,"

Zhang He, deputy designer of the probe,  said that all the equipment on 
the moon is in "perfect" condition, and optical and ultraviolet-imaging 
experiments are under way.

Scientists with the ground applications system are expecting to receive 
a gigantic quantity of original data from the rover and lander. Each with 
their own independent channels to send signals, Su said.

Wu Weiren, chief designer of China's lunar probe program said, "We made 
more than 200 plans to respond to any possible emergencies, and they cover 
each step of the mission," he said. "I am proud that we haven’t needed 
to use them so far."

China became the third nation in the world, after the United States and 
the former Soviet Union, to soft-land a probe on the moon when the Chang'e-3 
rover successfully set down.

The 140-kilogram, six-wheeled Yutu rover separated from the lander and 
touched the lunar surface early on Sunday, leaving deep tracks in the 
loose soil.

The mission is the second phase of China’s current moon exploration program, 
which includes orbiting, landing and returning to Earth. It follows the 
success of the Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2 missions in 2007 and 2010.

Wu commented on China's plans on a future Mars mission for China.

"We follow our own approach that respects stable progress and dislikes 
rash and reckless moves," he said. "We don't want to compete with any 
country in this regard. Moreover, the final decision is up to the government."


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