Hello List,

Richard wrote: "Chladnite? I see this fall is now classified as a
diogenite but could anyone discuss the term Chladnite a bit more?


TSCHERMAK G. (1885) Die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Meteoriten (Stuttgart
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung, E. Koch, 23 pp.). English Translation:
The Microscopic Properties of Meteorites, Vol. 4, No. 6 (Smithsonian 
to Astrophysics, Washington, D.C., 1964). Translation by J.A. Wood and E.M. 



This combination of minerals has been found in only one meteorite, Bishopville.
The stone is coarse grained and consists mostly of friable snow white enstatite.
Rose observed other white grains, but could not identify them. I find these to 
plagioclase. The third constituent is pyrrhotite. The stone's crust has a 
appearance, being partly colorless, partly black, white, bluish, and gray.

Enstatite occurs in large and small grains, mostly large. I observed distinct 
boundaries on one of the small grains, ...The grains are cut by many fine, 
cracks ... Plagioclase is usually attached to the small enstatite 
forms large and small grains...

The analysis of Rammelsberg (1861), which found Al2O3, CaO, and alkalis in small
amounts, in addition to the ingredients of enstatite, is in full agreement with
the microscopic description just given.

Rose also reports small amounts of nickel-iron and a black mineral that 
sometimes fills
fine cracks. Breaking the stone along such cracks, I observed a shiny material, 
to that in meteorites to be described later, in which the veins consist of 
iron, pyrrho-
tite, and silicate glass...


This class differs little in mineralogy from the preceding one. The main 
constitutent is
bronzite or hypersthene; these minerals and enstatite are members of the same 

Therefore the  d i s t i n c t i o n  between *chladnite* and *diogenite* 
depends only
on  c o n t e n t   of   f e r r o u s   o x i d e.




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