This thread has made a couple of things very evident to me. First... most folks on this list pretty much agreed that the person asking for the refund was unreasonable and a refund should not be given. Second, is that anyone that claims to be a dealer should be aware that the price fluctuations of newly offered meteorites can change, sometimes quickly.

Yesterday, I had a meteorite sale and I'd like to thank all the List members that ordered specimens from me. Over the course of six hours, I replied to over 100 emails requesting more information, pictures etc. Everything went very smooth with one exception. One "dealer/collector" sent an email and asked if one particular specimen was still available. I replied that it was . Second email asked if I would wait until July for payment and was I interested in any trades? In the mean time, someone else had emailed me and stated that they wanted to buy the meteorite in question along with several others. It was a done deal with a Paypal payment in 5 minutes. When I informed the original "dealer/collector" that the specimen was no longer available, he went on a tirade about the unjust way that he was being treated....blah blah blah blah blah! The ranting and raving went on for three emails.

Like Gregory said, 98.8% of the people are easy to deal with and they understand and accept daily problems and disappointments in stride.

Could this be Steve's unhappy buyer? Rob's short payer?



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