Hi List,
  This is remotely related to meteorites.  Person`s
traveling overseas should be sure to check with their
country`s Embassy or Dept. of State.  
  Travel safely and smart.
Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- American Embassy Tokyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: American Embassy Tokyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:56:24 -0500 (CDT)
> 1.  This Public Announcement updates information on
> the
> continuing threat of terrorist actions and violence
> against Americans and interests overseas.  This
> supersedes
> the Worldwide Caution dated April 10, 2007 and
> expires on
> April 9, 2008.
> 2.  The Department of State remains concerned about
> the
> continued threat of terrorist attacks,
> demonstrations and
> other violent actions against U.S. citizens and
> interests
> overseas.  Current information suggests that
> al-Qaida and
> affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist
> attacks against U.S. interests in multiple regions,
> including Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 
> These
> attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics
> including
> assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings and
> bombings.
> 3.  Ongoing events in Iraq and elsewhere in the
> Middle
> East have resulted in demonstrations and associated
> violence in several countries.  Americans are
> reminded
> that demonstrations and rioting can occur with
> little or
> no warning.
> 4.  In August 2006, British authorities arrested a
> significant number of extremists engaged in a plot
> to
> destroy multiple passenger aircraft flying from the
> United
> Kingdom to the United States.  The September 2006
> attack
> on the U.S. Embassy in Syria and the March 2006
> bombing
> near the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
> illustrate
> the continuing desire of extremists to strike
> American
> targets.
> 5.  Extremists may elect to use conventional or non-
> conventional weapons, and target both official and
> private
> interests.  Examples of such targets include
> high-profile
> sporting events, residential areas, business
> offices,
> clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools,
> public
> areas and locales where Americans gather in large
> numbers,
> including during holidays.  In August 2007, two
> bombs
> exploded almost simultaneously at an amusement park
> and a
> restaurant in India, killing at least 42 people.  In
> June
> 2007, two unexploded car bombs were discovered in
> London.
> Financial or economic targets of value may also be
> considered as possible venues; the vehicle-based
> suicide
> attack on an oil facility near Mukalla and Marib in
> Yemen
> in September 2006 and the failed attack on the
> Abqaiq oil
> processing facility in Saudi Arabia in late February
> 2006
> are such examples.
> 6.  In the wake of the August 2006 plot against
> aircraft
> in London, numerous terrorist attacks on trains in
> India
> in 2006, the July 2005 London Underground bombings,
> and
> the March 2004 train attacks in Madrid, Americans
> are
> reminded of the potential for terrorists to attack
> public
> transportation systems.  In addition, extremists may
> also
> select aviation and maritime services as possible
> targets.
> In June 2007, a car was driven into the main
> terminal at
> Glasgow International Airport and burst into flames.
>  The
> car bomb failed to detonate.
> 7.  U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to
> maintain a
> high level of vigilance, be aware of local events,
> and
> take the appropriate steps to bolster their personal
> security.  For additional information, please refer
> to "A
> Safe Trip Abroad" found at http://travel.state.gov.
> 8.  U.S. Government facilities worldwide remain at a
> heightened state of alert.  These facilities may
> temporarily close or periodically suspend public
> services
> to assess their security posture.  In those
> instances,
> U.S. embassies and consulates will make every effort
> to
> provide emergency services to U.S. citizens. 
> Americans
> abroad are urged to monitor the local news and
> maintain
> contact with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.
> 9.  As the Department continues to develop
> information on
> any potential security threats to U.S. citizens
> overseas,
> it shares credible threat information through its
> Consular
> Information Program documents, available on the
> Internet
> at http://travel.state.gov. In addition to
> information on
> the Internet, travelers may obtain up-to-date
> information
> on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747
> toll-free
> in the U.S. and Canada or, outside the U.S. and
> Canada on
> a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444.

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