Jeannie and List,

1) colin --- or whoever sends you the emails, should seriously consider 
either a spellcheck program or hire a proofreader. Their response was fraught 
with so many spelling errors. I sincerely doubt this person has an advanced 
degree or any degree at all. One can hardly take this individual seriously. 

2) Section 25 of the Slanderous Comments Act(?) Huh? Although I'm not an 
attorney, being in law enforcement for 24 years, I do peruse state and 
federal law bulletins, and statutes from time to time. Uh....colin might want 
to look for another attorney. Nowhere did I find any reference to a 
Slanderous Comments Act. When I first saw the title I even had to 
doesn't even sound all that original !  ;-)

Hey----Steve ever hear of that particular statute???   

3) Finally I had to smile again. This person accuses you of selling meteorite 
material for the last ten years under the Irreplaceable Resourse Act. 
Anyone could easily counter that statement and question this person why THEY 
would sell something illegal themselves? Wow!    Unbelievable nonsense!

Jeannie, I hope you let this clown really have it...but good. And just 
remember two things:
a) "Consider the source"      
b) "There are more horses asses in this world than there are horses."


Steven L. Sachs  IMCA# 9210
--- Begin Message ---
Hello list!
Well, the drama continues.  I filed a Fraud Complaint with Ebay yesterday regarding the "Canyon Diablo Meteorite" which as you all know by now, turned out to be iron shale. I have received two responses from Judith McCabe/Colin  also known as pahanaswife, bubbamisen, and currently on Ebay.  The first was a response to Ebay which was forwarded to me through their system: 
>Comment Added: Buyer contacted me after 2 months for refund. Item sold was
indeed meteorite as listed in the meteoritic encyclopedia 5th issue. I
am contacting my lawer to consider proceedings for the fraud allegation.
Slander is another word for it.
As I mentioned before in my communication to the list, I contacted the seller the day after I received the product in the mail, received a nasty reply and my subsequent attempts to contact them were ignored.
The second comment I received was an email to me directly which I received this afternoon.

 My lawer has advised me to start legal proceedings against you for the fraud allegation.Which i am very seriously considering. Under section 25 of the slanderous comments act( which comes under federal law) i have the right because the fraud complaint is a false statement and slanderous against my being and integrity. I therefore am considering a class action lawsuit against you because of this.

 The material sent to you was as discribed in the auction . There was not a mention that it was nickel iron. Furthermore in your own words you have admitted selling this material for 10 years. Which under federal law is illegal under the ireplacable resourse act.

 I have many paths open to me towards a lawsuit. one being my geology degree and my expirience in the field of astrogeology. But not to beat around the bush i will sue you for every penny you have.

                                              Have a wonderful day


So, it seems that something finally woke them up!  :)  
I find it interesting that one of the comments in the email mentioned that there was nothing that said the material was nickel iron.  So, this confirms my previous suspicion that this person knows exactly what they are selling , and is deliberately misrepresenting it as Canyon Diablo meteorite to get a higher price at auction than what it is actually worth.  This one is definitely a "rotton apple". 
Just wanted to pass on the latest news to you all, since I promised to keep everyone informed about what was going on!
Warm regards to you all,
IMCA #9236
The Museum Store/The Nature Source
& The Historical Research Center
Anchorage, Alaska
No matter how far you go down the wrong road, turn back.
-Turkish Proverb
--- End Message ---

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