Hello list,

for those who enjoy viewing some selected meteorite pictures I have uploaded 
another series of images to my gallery page including Karkova, ALH81005, Norton 
County and Heat Shield Rock:


While loading the image of the Heat Shield Rock I felt reminded to Derick Peak 
78001 by the striking surface similarities. Both irons seem to show a similar 
weathering pattern. On DRPA 78001 the ablation process in the glacial 
environment caused heavy abrading of the protruding burrs and edges while the 
inner regmaglypts remained sharply defined. 

To me it seems that Meridiani Planum Heat Shield Rock shows comparable signs of 
mechanical ablation. But I am not really convinced that what we see is the 
result of sand blasting alone. I rather tend to believe that fluvial 
transportation of the meteorite was involved or at least temporary flooding of 
the find location.

thanks for your comments



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