Hello All,
Havent made a post in several days so I thought I would do a little update. 
The new issue of Voyage! Meteorite and Space Events magazine is out.  As some of you know I run a column their on meteorites on Ebay besides occasional articles such as the 8 page or something like that review I did on the Denver show.  If anyone has not read it e-mail me and I will send it to you. 
Voyage! is a non-profit magazine, if you have not read it lately I suggest picking up a copy.  The new issue has Lenoid reports.....
The magazine does not pay me (or anyone else) to write.  We doit for our love of meteorites. 
As a special offer to non-subscibers.....subscibe this week and I will send you a free meteorite micromount!  I will even pay the postage.  Just e-mail John and e-mail me that you have subscibed with your address. 
Tuscon is right around the corner.  I'm getting excited.  I think I will bring a couple of my cool thins to look under Dean's microscope.  Lets hope he has no prolem bringing it across the border....Dont they do a radiation test or like such equipment at the border cross Dean?  Denver was a lot of fun during a very down week.  If you have not been to either of the BIG shows, now is the time!
CR2 Meteorites......
Been looking over my CR2's and they have me puzzled.  Why is their armoured chondrules on a CR2?  What a strange meteorite..
eBay auctions......
I have about 250 auctions going right now.  Meteorites, Fossils, and more....
check them out...search seller: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mohamad....our meteorite hunting " " (add your own word here)
Its nice to see you have took up meteorites.  While I have seen nothing yet in your photos that look like a meteorite do not give up hope.  History has shown...anyone keeps looking for meteorites....will find them.  My suggestion to the list on this subject is too be a little nicer....:-)
Meteorite Sale List....
After numerous request...mostly from Voyage! readers....I have made a Meteorite Price List.  If anyone is interested let me know and I will e-mail it to you. 
Okay....I think that about covers it. 
Thanks for reading this far, Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"


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