Only 8 pieces today, let me know how you like the Robert Verish 1cm
reference cube as opposed to the grid:

New Concord L6 Ohio fall 17.4 grams of horse killin' fun. Fragment with some
crust $182

Steinbach IVA Germany 0.140 gram fragment $50

Sahara 97193 L3.9 Africa 0.38 gram fragment $12

Willamette IIAB Oregon, my home town favorite. 1.37 gram etched partslice
along with 10 pages in print that I will email you $300. I spoke with Matt
Morgan the other day and this is the only piece for sale that we know of on
the planet although it seems Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! has a piece for trade.

Karoonda CK4 Austrailian fall 0.9 gram fragment of this important type
specimen $70

Kainsaz CO3.1 Russian fall 1.659 gram partslice with great surface area $70

Orgueil CI1 French fall 0.08 gram fragment $91

Sikhote-Alin IIAB Russian fall 3500 gram nicely regmaglyped individual.
Appers to have been sandblasted $1175

Now save your money, cash in those pop cans, sell some blood and get ready
for the weekend. Tomorrow I will list the pieces with prices for both
Saturday and Sunday.

Photo pages:

....and the eBay sales page

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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