Hi guys! My name is Felipe Guajardo and I'm a beginner to the
meteorite world. This winter I'm planning on going to Chile and
hunting Imilac and Vaca Muerta strewnfields for about a week. I had a
question regarding the Vaca Muerta Strewnfield. I've been searching
online and I've found these coordinates for the strewnfield: 25° 45' S
/ 70° 30' W. I have also found this pic as well with the map of the
strewnfield http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1196/vacamuerta.jpg .
The center of the strewnfield is on  25°51'29.76"S /  70°19'42.93"W.
My question is, which of these places is the correct one? If anybody
has gone to these places and has any suggestions please let me know.
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