Special Denver show offer.
Exquisite pre-rain flight-oriented Aguas Zarcas individual with blue and gold 
iridescent fusion crust. Tons of tiny flow lines. Folks there aren’t many of 
these and most people that have them won’t sell them. I’ll release this one. 
19.4 grams.  $2400.00 Mulga North. Very uncommon to see on the market Australia 
chondrite (H6). 23.6 gram 100 % crusted individual. $250.00
Wiluna. Another nice old Australian fall September 2 1967.H563.6 gram 95% 
complete crusted individual $600
40.3 gram 100% complete crusted individual $400.00
Flawless Wabar slice from Saudi Arabia. 52.9 gram complete slice. Incredible 1 
mm thick. Huge slice for very low weight. $1800.00There is absolutely nothing 
like this on the market.  British Museum provenance.
Tassédet 004Complete slice. The photos speak for themselves. Literally 
unmatched impact-melt, large metal blebs that etch, 4 mm thick. Very strong 
solid slice. 429.6 grams. $2400.00
Ejby, Denmark. Fall 6 February 2016.Very very little ever on market. 1.50 gram 
fragment $3000.89 gram fragment $1800.541 gram fragment $1100.431 gram fragment 
Mukundpura CM2 fall India. 2017Flawless fragment 0.278 gram. $250.00
San Pedro de Urabá. Colombia fall February 16, 2017 (L6). 1.698 gram partslice 
with crust. $300.00
Santo Antônio do Descoberto. Iron (IIAB) hexahedrite. Brazil. Found 2011. 
192.2 grams. $1500.0019.63 grams $200.0012.17 grams $125.009.16 grams. $100.00
Sauceda de la Borda. (IAB-MG) iron from Zacatecas Mexico. Found 2016Total known 
weight 41 kg. I purchased the entire mass and it was traded to ASU. This is one 
of only three slices off the mass and in private hands. Less than 2 kilograms 
are outside of ASU collection. 532 gram slice. $5000.00

Viñales Cuba. (L6) fell February 1 2019

Crusted stones. 474 grams429 grams 554 grams 476 grams541 grams651 grams. 131 
grams 102 grams72 grams 114 grams 221 grams 169 grams 26.94 grams 66 grams 95 
grams 108 grams 36.41 grams Contact me for photos and prices. 
Please message me for any requests. All pieces are in Denver with me until 
Tuesday when I leave.

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