Hi Jason, all - 

Glad to hear you're done. That makes for a Merry
Christmas indeed! I and others will be working on
possible neutron flux from large hyper velocity
impacts over the next few days, and its nice to know
that you won't be distracting us with dribble.  

Now as for your latest nonsense:

"But the fact of the matter is that you can't prove
"that either an airburst or ice-impact occurred
"without, in all likelihood, several years, if not
"decades of intense geological field studies, and this
"seems to be the point on which our methodologies

Actually, Jason, the isotopic analysis of the IRON
PEPPER in the mammoth tusks itself is proof enough.
But the recovery of large iron meteorites from the
31,000 BCE iron impact by THE VERY SAME METEORITE
HUNTERS who use this list could prove the 31,000 BCE
impact to the MOST DENSE. 

And that is one point where our methodologies do

good hunting all,
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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