Paper: The Herald-Press
City: St. Joseph, Michigan
Date: Friday, April 29, 1960
Page: 6

Planetarium Seeks Pieces Of Space Rock

The director of Chicago's Alder Planetarium, using information supplied by Herald-Press readers is in Warsaw, Ind., today with hopes of finding fragments of a fiery bolide which streaking across the southern sky last Thursday night.
The planetarium's staff astronomer, Frank Jettner, said today that Director Robert I. Johnson is touring the area southeast of Warsaw in search of fragments believed to have fallen there after the bolide exploded about 11 p.m. Thursday.
A bolide is a mass of rock, with perhaps a trace of metal which ordinarily orbits around the sun. Many astronomers hold the theory that bolides are parts of a planet that burst hundreds of millions of years ago, spreading its fragments through space in which the earth now travels.
Jettner said the search for bolide fragments is a lust for the Alder planetarium and that Johnson has a good chance of finding some fragments.
Johnson will attempt to interest residents of the Warsaw area in reporting any unusual rocks they find, Jettner said.
The director believes that by finding fragments of the bolide he may help prove or disprove scientific theories concerning these apparent offshots from a vanished planet.


Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick


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