Hello All,

Today I got my 10.5-gram slice of the NWA 2394 L4 chondrite
from Greg. Thank you once again, Greg. It is an L4, yes, but
what an L4 !!! The shock-darkened silicates are chockful with
chondrules and chondrule clasts. There are numerous shock vein-
lets meandering through the large, lighter-colored subangular
clasts but, of course, also through the shock-darkened areas.
Metal is abundant both as "puddles" and finely dispersed through-
out the "busy" matrix of this exotic beauty. The chondrules in
the shock-darkened areas are relatively small but well-defined, 
whereas the ones in the lighter-colored areas / clasts easily
reach 4 to 5 mm but are considerably less sharply delineated.

What a meteorite !!!

Best wishes,


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