Thanks Paul - 

Let's see. Back in 2007 I got a lot of "stuff" thrown at my book "Man and 
Impact in the Americas" for my use of Hibben's observations, and now we have 
Firestone and Kenneth's data widely accepted.

Also back in 2007 one person here went on and on about my use of "Homo 
Heidelbergnesis" and positing early man in Asis - and now we have early man 
living inside this humoungous impact.


Congatulations to all here who picked up their copies of "Man and Impact in the 
Americas" at Tucson in 2006.

I wish I could get to Tucson, but I can't. So here's my Tucson special: $20 for 
a personally signed copy of "Man and Impact in the Americas", plus $5 for 
priority mail US shipping, or plus $15 for priority mail overseas shipping. 

If any of you dealers have shops and want to spare some shelf space to  sell my 
book, contact me.

I still think the dealers should get together and buy the No-tell Motel, and 
then use it for the show.

good luck to all of you there, 
and good hunting,


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