This article explores a very good sampling which will put an end to the K-T
boundary impactor theory.

I have said all along, show me bones just below or at that boundary, but no
one has. The best evidence was some 15 cm below and that was tracks. Fossil
bones seem to fall off the rock record meters below the K-T boundary. This
does support some "experts" who find decreasing species count towards the
end of the Cretaceous. Instead, we find bones well above the K-T boundary
and well within the reach of the "predicted" blast and flash from the
impactor. No need for nuclear winter thoughts here like might be presented
for China.

It is because of all the other "experts" (almost all of whom are not
palaeontologists, and many are in fact, astrophysicists! who know nothing
at all about dinosaurs or fossils and used micro-marine fossils and
calculations to substantiate their claims) that all the world now believes
a large impactor killed off all the dinosaurs.

This my friends is a prime example of camp science.
Where people divide themselves into camps to support what "must be the
answer", without mind you, a concerted effort by all members to present a
cautious and responsible accounting to the general populace. Even though
there were very real and solid science behind those that found no evidence
to prove an impactor killed all the dinosaurs off, the world was convinced
by non-palaeontologists that the impactor did kill them off.

Let us hope that follies like this happen no more, because egg on the face
of world class scientists just helps those who believe in young earth.


Mark Ferguson

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