Comparing Doug to J. Warren
is as provocatively mean and sarcastic

It is?  Really?  Moments after he posts "If I wanted to hear an asshole I would have farted"?   You're aligning yourself with THAT, to oppose "meanness and sarcasm" on the list?   Wow.  I just want to go on record as being unapologetically opposed to that kind of inexcusably boorish post, no matter who offers it, and I am frankly more than a little surprised and saddened that Bernd feels compelled to defend its writer.

.....[snip].....trying to make someone believe that I
thought that the June 06 invasion of the Allied Forces in Normandy was a mistake.

I didn't "try to make anyone believe" anything, Bernd, I merely wrote to you and you alone, and asked you to clarify a list-comment you made.   * Sigh*   OK, since you have chosen to dredge all this up again, Bernd......on the D-Day anniversary you expressed what we all obviously feel, sorrow for the lives lost at Normandy, but you then curiously wrote "When will we ever learn?"   I didn't understand that, so I asked you off-list, one-on-one, very sincerely, very innocently and without the remotest inference or "sarcasm" (re-read it and re-post it if you like), for you to clarify that curious remark.  Unless I'm missing something (which is what I asked you to supply), there don't seem to be too many different interpretations of it, other than "Had we learned some (as-yet undefined) lesson by that day in 1944, Normandy could have been avoided."  I merely privately asked you to explain what you meant by that, but I PUBLICLY got an ON-list smear, with no subsequent apology until this highly-diluted and conditional one, a week later.   I'm still patiently waiting for the answer to my polite question, by the way.  But would you please keep it off-list, though, as I have tried to do since the beginning? 

My apologies to everyone else (if anyone else is still reading ;-) for having this little tiff rise from the dead.  Bernd, to follow is a sincere OFF-LIST request that you & I clear the air of whatever it is that has fouled it, so the list might be spared this sort of thing again any time soon....barring the return of Joel Warren (the First).    ;-)

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