Hello Bob, Ruben and I will be Meeting with Gary Huss of ASU. first thing in
the morning. As you know the last time we met with Gary, we took a slice of
Franconia with us to the meeting to compare with the meteorites we had
recovered. To date we do not feel we have recovered any material that
matches the original Franconia find. However as far as I know we have not
seen any material from the "Buck Mountain" meteorite. So I can not say if we
have recovered any material from this "find"or not.
Mike Miller  //  E-Bay  flattoprocks
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Verish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "mike miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: What does it take to call it a stewn field?

> Hello Mike,
> I need to supply some information to the Nomenclature
> Committee.  The name is already approved but there are
> some details they need before they can publish:
> 1)  The number of "pieces" (individual stones) found.
> 2)  The approximate TKW.
> You've been out there longer than anyone else, (next
> to the finder of Franconia, John Wolfe) so I need to
> ask if you (or Rubin) have any finds or info that I
> need to add to the report that I am sending to the
> NomComm, and that I have attached to this message for
> your convenience.
> Thanks,
> Bob V.
> --- mike miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Bob I found a new meteorite 2 weeks ago and this
> > weekend I found 5 others that appear to be related.
> +++++++++++++
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