Mike Farmer wrote: "Bernd, I respect you and your opinion, but do not single me 

Hello Mike and List,

I got some "ayes", I got some flak - even from my Pauline, which is quite 
normal because
there are always two sides to a thing: "it takes two to tango". Let me first of 
all congratulate
Mike on his latest find: this extraordinary pallasite - I criticized you so I 
should also be able
to congratulate you on this latest meteoritic feat!

Mike is a top-notch meteorite dealer, a top-notch meteorite collector, Mike is 
a top-notch
meteorite hunter, ... his impulsive, eruptive aggressiveness can be quite 
bothersome! But:

He is *NOT" a thief, he never stole a meteorite nor ever will - I own an 
Ourique piece plus
a thin section - both from Mike as so many other specimens in my collection and 
there would
be quite a few meteorites missing in our and UoA's collections if Mike Farmer 
had not been
there right in the adventurous footsteps of Bob Haag!

I didn't like Armando's latest post in response to my post very much because I 
did not mean
to "demean" Mike's merits as a "collector-hunter-dealer", I was solely 
referring to his "unbridled
aggressiveness" - no matter what triggers his eruptions, ... the first thing he 
does, he goes boom!

So, I do hope that if ever Mike and I meet in person, either in Ensisheim or in 
Tucson some
day, that we will enjoy a couple of beers, talk meteorites and other things and 
maybe smile
about things we said even though we were serious when said what we said!

Best regards,



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