COPS: When charged with assault, man tries meteorite defense

Published: Tuesday, December 8, 2009


BANTAM — A Kent man, in state police custody since Friday night on charges
stemming from an unusual visit that resulted in an alleged assault, posted a
$5,000 bond Monday for his release.

Christopher Chase, 29, 43 Bridge St., was arrested at 11:20 p.m. after a Skiff
Mountain Road resident complained Chase caused a disturbance at the home and
would not leave the premises.

Chase was charged with simple trespass, second-degree breach of peace,
third-degree assault, second-degree threatening and third-degree criminal
mischief. His case is scheduled for Dec. 21.

Timothy Brown, 46, received minor injuries during a scuffle with Chase when he
refused to leave. State Trooper Keith Lavoie saw the two men fighting when he
arrived at the home, according to a police report. Chase reportedly spit on
Brown and tore his clothes. Chase’s sweatshirt was also torn at the collar but
he was not injured, police said.

Chase said he drank some beer before arriving at the house and refused to tell
Brown or police why he was there. Apparently Chase said he wanted to show the
woman who lived at the residence a meteorite he had with him. He wanted to talk
to the residents in the house about NASA and claimed he worked with the CIA and
FBI, according to the report. Chase was convicted of third-degree assault and
violation of probation in October, breach of peace and first-degree criminal
trespass in February, and disorderly conduct and driving under the influence in
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