Hi all,

A Post Scriptum to my previous mail about the apocryphal story of
Djati-Pengilon falling into water:

Forgot to mention that, although this is by no means ascertained, one other
meteorite from Indonesia/former Dutch East Indies, indeed might have dropped
fragments in sea. It concerns Tjerebon (see Gisolf 1924):

The fireball, brighter than the moon, was seen from a very wide area of
Java. Four sonic booms were heard. Several fragments probably landed in sea,
as the fireball approached from over sea with severe fragmentation obserbed
by several eyewitnesses, while the two recovered non-fitting highly angular
masses were found just a few km from the coast.
The lesser (7.5 kg) fragment impacted at Karangwareng, close to the sugar
factory,  just a few tens of meters from a mr. Darsen, who heard the sound
of the approaching meteorite and the impact crash. The stone had hit a
pisang (banana) tree and broken the tree in the middle of its trunk. It made
an impact pit one foot deep and onehalf foot wide. The impact pit of the 8
kg main mass was found 2 days later, on the land of a Mr. Toer, 300 meter
southeast of  the railroad station at Karangsoewoeng and about 0.5 km
northeast of the Karangwareng mass. This impact pit was 64 cm deep.

best wishes,

- Marco

reference: W.F. Gisolf (1924): "De meteoriet van Tjerebon". Jaarboek van het
Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië vol. 53 (Verhandelingen), p. 168-180.

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