Thanks to Anne's OT post :-) for reminding me that it was time to mention that I had this summers pictures up.

For those who want to see what Henbury and Gosses Bluff look like - my trip is online. (as well as Steinheim 3 years ago - and I just have to upload the Ries trip)

That will start you - choose the appropriate place at the bottom

(also the link to last summers search for the Kaaba stone in Istanbul, Trip to Uluru, and Snow in Hawaii)

(sometimes the server is slow... and images 200k-300k - sorry - maybe it's time to shrink them some more!)

Cheers - ted


The weather was so beautiful today, warm, bright sun, not a cloud anywhere,
that I gave myself the afternoon off and went up in the hills. (you can do
that when you are retired!). :-)
You want to see what they looked like?

Anne M. Black

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