Workshop on Issues in Crater Studies and the Dating of Planetary Surfaces
May 19-22, 2015
Laurel, Maryland


Planetary Crater Consortium
Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
Universities Space Research Association
Lunar and Planetary Institute
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Stuart Robbins
    Southwest Research Institute

Catherine Plesko
    Los Alamos National Laboratory

First Announcement - September 2014

Meeting Location and Date

The Workshop on Issues in Crater Studies and the Dating of Planetary
Surfaces will be held May 19-22, 2015, at the Johns Hopkins
University/Applied Physics Laboratory  <> in
Laurel, Maryland.

Purpose and Scope

Numerous science questions exist that are informed by impact crater
populations, but the plethora of new data in the past several decades
indicates we need to reexamine what the best practices are in
understanding and analyzing craters, crater populations, and how they
evolve. The purpose of this conference is to improve our understanding
of the crater population and how craters are analyzed, and to better
understand the proper statistical tools when using craters as tracers
for various geologic, geophysical, and dynamical processes such as
deriving surface ages.

Meeting Format

The workshop will consist of plenary sessions and submitted talks over a
period of 3.5 days. There will be morning and afternoon oral sessions
organized around topical themes, with a few invited presentations. Ample
time will be reserved for questions and discussion. A poster session may
be held in the evening.
Indication of Interest

To subscribe to a mailing list to receive electronic reminders and
special announcements relating to the meeting via e-mail, please submit
an electronic Indication of Interest form
<> by
Thursday, January 9, 2015.


For further information regarding the scientific content of the meeting:

Stuart Robbins
University of Colorado, Boulder

For further information regarding meeting details or announcements:

Katy Buckaloo
Meeting and Publication Services
USRA Houston
Phone:  281-486-2106


Deadline for submitting indication of interest  January 9, 2015
Second announcement, including call for abstracts and registration,
posted on this website  January 9, 2015
Abstract deadline       March 5, 2015
Final announcement with program and abstracts posted on this website
April 3, 2015
Workshop on Issues in Crater Studies and the Dating of Planetary
Surfaces        May 19-22, 2015


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