Well it came today.NWA 2892/CHONDRULE CONGLOMERATE.What a piece!Also my
new loupe came as well.And I have already started to get lost in the
chondrule sea.WOW!Thanks so much stefan.Also I got a post yesterday from
someone on this list who said,how come I am not more DIGNIFIED like
everyone else on this list.DIGINIFIED???I had to laugh very hard.When I
think of someone being dignified, I think of a fine english nobleman.Now
to me, that is dignified.I love the english people.I am hoping to get to
london next year.Another funny thing.26 posts protesting my 4 posts!Now
that is funny.I guess the POSTMAN really does deliver.

                                       steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

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