Good evening list.I am back home now with nothing new to report.I searched
high and low, but there  was nothing to find.I had a great morning hunting
with mark fazini from  homewood.He might have come up with a 1/2 gram
piece of non-crusted material.He bought lunch, then we did a little more
hunting.Then at noon he had to leave, so a I went it alone for a
while.About 1:15 I got a call from jason phillips to let me know where
they are.So I went over and found,marvin kilgore,roman jirasik, rob wesel,
and as I am walking up the street along comes the king himself,BOB
HAAG.Wow talk about some great people in the meteorite realm.I also picked
up in a trade I made, I got a real nice fully crusted 2 gram piece of the
new PK meteorite.Well after all that I went out into some away from it all
and went hunting for a couple more hours , but alas, nothing was to be
found on this day.These last two saturdays have been great.I only wish the
next meteorite fall is right in my back yard.Or at least close by.Well
untill the fall, or tucson, it was great to see alot of the gang
again.This has been a great experience.To have found a meteorite in your
own town is an experience I will never forget.And now it is time to get
back on my life.My next stop, vacation,in CANCUN!

                                 SINCERELY, STEVE ARNOLD,CHICAGO, USA!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
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