Alex from Berlin wrote:

> P.S.: could it have been a decaying satellite? I donīt have the update
> files for the day this happened in India, but may be Rob Matson has -
> who else, if not him? :-)

The NASA OIG server does not list a decay for September 27th. It does list a
decay for the 28th, with no further details given, of a (probably small)
object of unknown origin designated as 2003-042J, NORAD # 27947.
I checked with the last orbit but this object did not pass over India around
the time of this big fireball, it was passing over the Bering Strait and
Kamchatka at that time and then through to Japan and Indonesia and Australia
in the next half hour (it did pas over eastern India 2 revolutions later,
which is about 3 hours later), so it is not a likely candidate. No other
decay being listed around this date, the conclusion is that it was probably
not a satellite decay but a meteoric fireball.

- Marco

Marco Langbroek


"What seest thou else
 In the dark backward and abysm of time?"

                            William Shakespeare
                            The Tempest act I scene 2

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