A good somewhat late evening to all.I just want to give thanks to everyone
who bought items from me during my meteorite sales I had a few weeks
ago.Thru these sales and ebay sales,I was able to sell off more than
$4000.This has made my wife very happy and me.I sold over 1/3 of my
collection (53) specimens.As I saw those pieces fly out of my house,I
cringed and went into meteorite withdrawl.But I knew it was for a very
important cause.I do not even have enough to trade anymore.The 102 pieces
I have left,by no means will these ever be sold,traded,or whatever.I love
this hobby to much to just throw it all away or just leave it.I AM STAYING
PUT.I am adding 2 new pieces to my collection.A 76 gram complete
individual of MILLBBILLILLIE and a 50 gram slice of COLDWATER,KANSAS.Those
are the only 2 new pieces to come into my collection,so it is better
nothing.Well that is all.Just a thanks to everyone involved.I hope
everyone has a great weekend ahead.

                               steve arnold,chicago,usa!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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