It does not seem that people ever take me seriously.I am offering a
trade,and I never seem to get any interests.Well I'll try one more time.I
am offering a 1.7 gram fragment of BARWELL,5.7 gram slice of SARATOV,4.5
GRAM individual of JUANCHENG,A 13. gram whole individual of GAO (fully 100
% fusion crusted),1.3 gram fragment of the new NWA that is getting
classified,a 2.0 gram slice of PLAINVIEW 1917,and finally a half stone of
NANTAN 130.3 grams.All 7 are valued at $400.I changed my mind on the
sacramento mts.It seems that it is to hard to get.I am either looking for
a piece of FAUCETT or EL HAMAMII.Please let me know if interested.

                                   steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
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