Good morning listee's.I forgot an update to last night on day 2. I also had the 
good fortune to meet SVEND BUHL from germany.A very nice and classy 
person.Welcome to tucson svend.We went out to dinner with bob haag and had a 
great time out at lil abners steak house.And we ate and drank for 2 hours,plus 
he picked up out tab.Thanks so much bob.He'll be at the party tonight so for 
those who have not met him this will be your chance.I also got my very nicely 
jagged and nicely polished 38 gram slice of esquel.NICE!!!!!!!!!  Well thats 
all for now till day 3 endings.It supposed to be 70 today and sunny and 
clear.Im also thinking about getting a 22 gram slice of pena blanca springs if 
it is still here.Have a great day till later.

 Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!! 
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