On September 22, 2000 at 22:38, Alex Broens wrote:

> Thanks fo the link. I had seen this but couldn't see a "solution" in it..

Complain to the vendor whose software created invalid MIME messages.

> I'm getting the warning:  No boundaries found in message body all the time ye
> t I get decent results ecept when the msgs have been written with some versio
> n of MS-Outlook. No matter what one does, ppl still use the "rich text" (html

Looks like Outhouse is stripping out the multipart boundaries data in
the message body.

> As I can't expect Mr. Bill Gates to get Outlook cleaned up, Qualcomm does not
>  aknowledge the missing boundaries bug...what do we have left?

Us poor schmucks to work-around crappy products.

> You mention in the message below that you'll look into it....any hope of succ
> ess? :-)
> A thought: what would happen if MhonArc ignored the <x-html> & </x-html> tags
> ?
> Wouldn't that solve our problem?

No, the message body has nothing to do with it.  The core of the
problem is that the message is invalid.  There is code in MHonArc to
deal with the case when there are no boundaries found in multipart
messages, however, for the case you (and a previous user) has
encountered, the fallback code is not sufficient.  I can go into the
details of why the output does look the way it does, but you probably
may not care or understand (unless you are familiar mail message
formats and parsing).

So, what I did was beef up MHonArc's handling of malformed multipart
messages.  Attached to this message is a patched version of
readmail.pl (the core mail parsing library used in MHonArc).  Replace
your existing (installed) version of readmail.pl with this one and
try it out.


##  File:
##      @(#) readmail.pl 2.8 00/09/23 14:26:40
##  Author:
##      Earl Hood       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  Description:
##      Library defining routines to parse MIME e-mail messages.  The
##      library is designed so it may be reused for other e-mail
##      filtering programs.  The default behavior is for mail->html
##      filtering, however, the defaults can be overridden to allow
##      mail->whatever filtering.
##      Public Functions:
##      ----------------
##      ($data) =
##          &MAILdecode_1522_str($str);
##      ($data, @files) =
##          &MAILread_body($header, $body, $ctypeArg, $encodingArg);
##      ($header) =
##          &MAILread_file_header($handle, *fields, *l2o);
##      ($header) =
##          &MAILread_header(*mesg, *fields, *l2o);
##      ($disposition, $filename) =
##          &MAILhead_get_disposition(*fields);
##      $parm_hash_ref =
##          &MAILparse_parameter_str($header_field);
##      $parm_hash_ref =
##          &MAILparse_parameter_str($header_field, 1);
##    Copyright (C) 1996-1999   Earl Hood, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
##    02111-1307, USA

package readmail;

##      Scalar Variables

##  Variable storing the mulitple fields separator value for the
##  the read header routines.

$FieldSep       = "\034";

##  Flag if message headers are decoded in the parse header routines:
##  MAILread_header, MAILread_file_header.  This only affects the
##  values of the field hash created.  The original header is still
##  passed as the return value.
##  The only 1522 data that will be decoded is data encoded with charsets
##  set to "-decode-" in the %MIMECharSetConverters hash.

$DecodeHeader   = 0;

##      Variables for folding information related to the functions used
##      for processing MIME data.  Variables are defined in the scope
##      of main.

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  %MIMEDecoders is the associative array for storing functions for
##  decoding mime data.
##      Keys => content-transfer-encoding (should be in lowercase)
##      Values => function name.
##  Function names should be qualified with package identifiers.
##  Functions are called as follows:
##      $decoded_data = &function($data);
##  The value "as-is" may be used to allow the data to be passed without
##  decoding to the registered filter, but the decoded flag will be
##  set to true.

%MIMEDecoders                   = ()
    unless defined(%MIMEDecoders);
%MIMEDecodersSrc                = ()
    unless defined(%MIMEDecodersSrc);

##      Default settings:
$MIMEDecoders{"7bit"}             = "as-is"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"7bit"});
$MIMEDecoders{"8bit"}             = "as-is"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"8bit"});
$MIMEDecoders{"binary"}           = "as-is"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"binary"});
$MIMEDecoders{"base64"}           = "base64::b64decode"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"base64"});
$MIMEDecoders{"quoted-printable"} = "quoted_printable::qprdecode"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"quoted-printable"});
$MIMEDecoders{"x-uuencode"}       = "base64::uudecode"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"x-uuencode"});
$MIMEDecoders{"x-uue"}            = "base64::uudecode"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"x-uue"});
$MIMEDecoders{"uuencode"}         = "base64::uudecode"
    unless defined($MIMEDecoders{"uuencode"});

$MIMEDecodersSrc{"base64"}              = "base64.pl"
    unless defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{"base64"});
$MIMEDecodersSrc{"quoted-printable"}    = "qprint.pl"
    unless defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{"quoted-printable"});
$MIMEDecodersSrc{"x-uuencode"}          = "base64.pl"
    unless defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{"x-uuencode"});
$MIMEDecodersSrc{"x-uue"}               = "base64.pl"
    unless defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{"x-uue"});
$MIMEDecodersSrc{"uuencode"}            = "base64.pl"
    unless defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{"uuencode"});

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  %MIMECharSetConverters is the associative array for storing functions
##  for converting data in a particular charset to a destination format
##  within the MAILdecode_1522_str() routine. Destination format is defined
##  by the function.
##      Keys => charset (should be in lowercase)
##      Values => function name.
##  Charset values take on a form like "iso-8859-1" or "us-ascii".
##              NOTE: Values need to be in lower-case.
##  The key "default" can be assigned to define the default function
##  to call if no explicit charset function is defined.
##  The key "plain" can be set to a function for decoded regular text not
##  encoded in 1522 format.
##  Function names are name of defined perl function and should be
##  qualified with package identifiers. Functions are called as follows:
##      $converted_data = &function($data, $charset);
##  A function called "-pass-:function" implies that the data should be
##  passed to the converter "function" but not decoded.
##  A function called "-decode-" implies that the data should be
##  decoded, but no converter is to be invoked.
##  A function called "-ignore-" implies that the data should
##  not be decoded and converted.  Ie.  For the specified charset,
##  the encoding will stay unprocessed and passed back in the return
##  string.

%MIMECharSetConverters                  = ()
    unless defined(%MIMECharSetConverters);
%MIMECharSetConvertersSrc               = ()
    unless defined(%MIMECharSetConvertersSrc);

##      Default settings:
$MIMECharSetConverters{"default"}       = "-ignore-"
    unless defined($MIMECharSetConverters{"default"});

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  %MIMEFilters is the associative array for storing functions that
##  process various content-types in the MAILread_body routine.
##      Keys => Content-type (should be in lowercase)
##      Values => function name.
##  Function names should be qualified with package identifiers.
##  Functions are called as follows:
##      $converted_data = &function($header, *parsed_header_assoc_array,
##                                  *message_data, $decoded_flag,
##                                  $optional_filter_arguments);
##  Functions can be registered for base types.  Example:
##      $MIMEFilters{"image/*"} = "mypackage'function";
##  IMPORTANT: If a function specified is not defined when MAILread_body
##  tries to invoke it, MAILread_body will silently ignore.  Make sure
##  that all functions are defined before invoking MAILread_body.

%MIMEFilters    = ()
    unless defined(%MIMEFilters);
%MIMEFiltersSrc = ()
    unless defined(%MIMEFiltersSrc);

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  %MIMEFiltersArgs is the associative array for storing any optional
##  arguments to functions specified in MIMEFilters (the
##  $optional_filter_arguments from above).
##      Keys => Either one of the following: content-type, function name.
##      Values => Argument string (format determined by filter function).
##  Arguments listed for a content-type will be used over arguments
##  listed for a function if both are applicable.

%MIMEFiltersArgs        = ()
    unless defined(%MIMEFiltersArgs);

##      Variables holding functions for generating processed output
##      for MAILread_body().  The default functions generate HTML.
##      However, the variables can be set to functions that generate
##      a different type of output.
##      $FormatHeaderFunc has no default, and must be defined by
##      the calling program.
##  Function that returns a message when failing to process a part of a
##  a multipart message.  The content-type of the message is passed
##  as an argument.

$CantProcessPartFunc            = \&cantProcessPart

##  Function that returns a message when a part is unrecognized in a
##  multipart/alternative message.  I.e. No part could be processed.
##  No arguments are passed to function.

$UnrecognizedAltPartFunc        = \&unrecognizedAltPart

##  Function that returns a string to go before any data generated generating
##  from processing an embedded message (message/rfc822 or message/news).
##  No arguments are passed to function.

$BeginEmbeddedMesgFunc          = \&beginEmbeddedMesg

##  Function that returns a string to go after any data generated generating
##  from processing an embedded message (message/rfc822 or message/news).
##  No arguments are passed to function.

$EndEmbeddedMesgFunc            = \&endEmbeddedMesg

##  Function to return a string that is a result of the functions
##  processing of a message header.  The function is called for
##  embedded messages (message/rfc822 and message/news).  The
##  arguments to function are:
##   1. Pointer to associative array representing message header
##      contents with the keys as field labels (in all lower-case)
##      and the values as field values of the labels.
##   2. Pointer to associative array mapping lower-case keys of
##      argument 1 to original case.
##  Prototype: $return_data = &function(*fields, *lower2orig_fields);

$FormatHeaderFunc               = undef

##      Public Routines                                                      ##
##      MAILdecode_1522_str() decodes a string encoded in a format
##      specified by RFC 1522.  The decoded string is the return value.
##      If no MIMECharSetConverters is registered for a charset, then
##      the decoded data is returned "as-is".
##      Usage:
##          $ret_data = &MAILdecode_1522_str($str, $justdecode);
##      If $justdecode is non-zero, $str will be decoded for only
##      the charsets specified as "-decode-".
sub MAILdecode_1522_str {
    my($str) = shift;
    my($justdecode) = shift;
    my($ret) = ('');

    $defcharcnv = '-bogus-';

    # Get default converter
    $defcharcnv = &load_charset('default');

    # Get plain converter
    $plaincnv = &load_charset('plain');
    $plaincnv = $defcharcnv  unless $plaincnv;

    # Decode string
    while ($str =~ /=\?([^?]+)\?(.)\?([^?]*)\?=/) {

        # Grab components
        ($charset, $encoding) = ($1, $2);
        $strtxt = $3; $str_before = $`; $str = $';

        # Check encoding method and grab proper decoder
        if ($encoding =~ /b/i) {
            $dec = &load_decoder('base64');
        } else {
            $dec = &load_decoder('quoted-printable');

        # Convert before (unencoded) text
        if ($justdecode) {                              # ignore if just decode
            $ret .= $str_before;
        } elsif (defined(&$plaincnv)) {                 # decode and convert
            $ret .= &$plaincnv($str_before,'');
        } elsif (($plaincnv =~ /-pass-:(.*)/) &&        # pass
                 (defined(&${1}))) {
            $ret .= &${1}($str_before,'');
        } else {                                        # ignore
            $ret .= $str_before;

        # Convert encoded text
        ($lcharset = $charset) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
        $charcnv = &load_charset($lcharset);
        $charcnv = $defcharcnv  unless $charcnv;

        # Decode only
        if ($charcnv eq "-decode-") {
            $strtxt =~ s/_/ /g;
            $ret .= &$dec($strtxt);

        # Ignore if just decoding
        } elsif ($justdecode) {
            $ret .= "=?$charset?$encoding?$strtxt?=";

        # Decode and convert
        } elsif (defined(&$charcnv)) {
            $strtxt =~ s/_/ /g;
            $ret .= &$charcnv(&$dec($strtxt),$lcharset);

        # Do not decode, but convert
        } elsif (($charcnv =~ /-pass-:(.*)/) &&
                 (defined(&${1}))) {
            $ret .= &${1}($strtxt,$lcharset);

        # Fallback is to ignore
        } else {
            $ret .= "=?$charset?$encoding?$strtxt?=";

    # Convert left-over unencoded text
    if ($justdecode) {                          # ignore if just decode
        $ret .= $str;
    } elsif (defined(&$plaincnv)) {             # decode and convert
        $ret .= &$plaincnv($str,'');
    } elsif (($plaincnv =~ /-pass-:(.*)/) &&    # pass
             (defined(&${1}))) {
        $ret .= &${1}($str,'');
    } else {                                    # ignore
        $ret .= $str;


##      MAILread_body() parses a MIME message body.  $header is the
##      header of the message.  $body is the actual message body.
##      $ctypeArg is the value of the Content-Type field and $encodingArg
##      is the value of the Content-Transfer-Encoding field (both
##      should be obtained from $header from the calling routine).  The
##      return value is an array:  The first item is the converted data
##      generated, and the other items are filenames of any derived
##      files.
sub MAILread_body {
    local($header, $body, $ctypeArg, $encodingArg, $inaltArg) = @_;

    # the following must be local's due to legacy use of typeglobs
    local(%partfields, %partl2o) = ();
    local($part, $decoded);

    my($parthead, $partcontent, $partencoding);
    my($type, $subtype, $boundary, $content, $ctype, $pos,
       $encoding, $decodefunc, $args);
    my(@parts) = ();
    my(@files) = ();
    my(@array) = ();
    my $ret = "";

    ## Get type/subtype
    $content = $ctypeArg || 'text/plain';       # Default to text/plain 
                                                #       if no content-type
    ($ctype) = $content =~ m%^\s*([\w-\./]+)%;  # Extract content-type
    $ctype =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;                      # Convert to lowercase
    if ($ctype =~ m%/%) {                       # Extract base and sub types
        ($type,$subtype) = split(/\//, $ctype, 2);
    } elsif ($ctype =~ /text/i) {
        $ctype = 'text/plain';
        $type = 'text';  $subtype = 'plain';
    } else {
        $type = $subtype = '';

    ## Load content-type filter
    if ( (!defined($filter = &load_filter($ctype)) || !defined(&$filter)) &&
         (!defined($filter = &load_filter("$type/*")) || !defined(&$filter)) &&
         (!$inaltArg &&
          (!defined($filter = &load_filter("*/*")) || !defined(&$filter)) &&
             $ctype !~ m^\bmessage/(?:rfc822|news)\b^i &&
             $type  !~ /\bmultipart\b/) ) {
        warn qq|Warning: Unrecognized content-type, "$ctype", |,
             qq|assuming "application/octet-stream"\n|;
        $filter = &load_filter('application/octet-stream');

    ## Check for filter arguments
    $args = $MIMEFiltersArgs{$ctype};
    $args = $MIMEFiltersArgs{"$type/*"} if !defined($args) || $args eq '';
    $args = $MIMEFiltersArgs{$filter}   if defined($filter) &&
                                           (!defined($args) || $args eq '');

    ## Check encoding
    if (defined($encodingArg)) {
        $encoding = lc $encodingArg;
        $encoding =~ s/\s//g;
        $decodefunc = &load_decoder($encoding);
    } else {
        $encoding = undef;
        $decodefunc = undef;

    ## A filter is defined for given content-type
    if ($filter && defined(&$filter)) {
        local $tmphead  = $header . "\n";

        ## Parse message header for filter
        &MAILread_header(*tmphead, *partfields, *partl2o);

        ## decode data
        if (defined($decodefunc)) {
            if (defined(&$decodefunc)) {
                $decoded = &$decodefunc($body);
                @array = &$filter($header, *partfields, *decoded, 1, $args);
            } else {
                @array = &$filter($header, *partfields, *body,
                                  $decodefunc =~ /as-is/i, $args);
        } else {
            @array = &$filter($header, *partfields, *body, 0, $args);

        ## Setup return variables
        $ret = shift @array;                            # Return string
        push(@files, @array);                           # Derived files

    ## No filter defined for given content-type
    } else {
        ## If multipart, recursively process each part
        if ($type =~ /\bmultipart\b/i) {
            local(%Cid) = ( )  unless scalar(caller) eq 'readmail';
            my($isalt) = $subtype =~ /\balternative\b/i;

            ## Get boundary
            $boundary = "";
            if ($content =~ m/boundary\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i) {
                $boundary = $1;
            } else {
                ($boundary) = $content =~ m/boundary\s*=\s*(\S+)/i;
                $boundary =~ s/;$//;  # chop ';' if grabbed

            ## If boundary defined, split body into parts
            if ($boundary =~ /\S/) {
                my $found = 0;
                my $start_pos = 0;
                substr($body, 0, 0) = "\n";
                substr($boundary, 0, 0) = "\n--";
                my $blen = length($boundary);
                my $bchkstr;

                while (($pos = index($body, $boundary, $start_pos)) > -1) {
                    # have to check for case when boundary is a substring
                    #   of another boundary, yuck!
                    $bchkstr = substr($body, $pos+$blen, 2);
                    unless ($bchkstr =~ /\A\r?\n/ || $bchkstr =~ /\A--/) {
                        # incomplete match, continue search
                        $start_pos = $pos+$blen;
                    $found = 1;
                    if ($isalt) {
                        # if alternative, do things in reverse
                        unshift(@parts, substr($body, 0, $pos));
                        $parts[0] =~ s/^\r//;
                    } else {
                        push(@parts, substr($body, 0, $pos));
                        $parts[$#parts] =~ s/^\r//;
                    # prune out part data just grabbed
                    substr($body, 0, $pos+$blen) = "";

                    # check if hit end
                    last  if $body =~ /\A--/;

                    # remove EOL at the beginning
                    $body =~ s/\A\r?\n//;
                    $start_pos = 0;
                if ($found) {
                    # discard front-matter
                    if ($isalt) { pop(@parts); } else { shift(@parts); }
                } else {
                    # no boundary separators in message!
                    warn qq/Warning: No boundaries found in message body\n/;
                    if ($body =~ m/\A\n[\w\-]+:\s/) {
                        # remove \n added above if part looks like it has
                        # headers.  we keep if it does not to avoid body
                        # data being parsed as a header below.
                        substr($body, 0, 1) = "";
                    push(@parts, $body);

            ## Else treat body as one part
            } else {
                @parts = ($body);

            ## Process parts
            my(@entity) = ();
            my($cid, $href);
            while (defined($part = shift(@parts))) {
                $href = { };
                $href->{'head'} =
                    &MAILread_header(*part, *partfields, *partl2o);
                $href->{'fields'}   = { %partfields };
                $href->{'l2o'}      = { %partl2o };
                $href->{'body'}     = $part;
                $href->{'filtered'} = 0;
                push(@entity, $href);

                $cid = $partfields{'content-id'} || $partfields{'message-id'};
                $cid =~ s/[\s<>]//g;
                $Cid{$cid} = $href  if $cid =~ /\S/;

            ENTITY: foreach $entity (@entity) {
                next  if $entity->{'filtered'};

                ## If content-type not defined for part, then determine
                ## content-type based upon multipart subtype.
                $partcontent  = $entity->{'fields'}{'content-type'};
                if (!$partcontent) {
                    $partcontent = ($subtype =~ /digest/) ?
                                        'message/rfc822' : 'text/plain';

                ## Process part
                @array = &MAILread_body(
                            $entity->{'head'}, $entity->{'body'},

                ## Only use last filterable part in alternate
                if ($subtype =~ /alternative/) {
                    $ret = shift @array;
                    if ($ret) {
                        push(@files, @array);
                        $entity->{'filtered'} = 1;
                        last ENTITY;
                } else {
                    if (!$array[0]) {
                        $array[0] = &$CantProcessPartFunc(
                    $ret .= shift @array;
                push(@files, @array);
                $entity->{'filtered'} = 1;

            ## Check if multipart/alternative, and no success
            if (!$ret && ($subtype =~ /alternative/)) {
                warn qq|Warning: No recognized part in multipart/alternative; |,
                     qq|will try to decode last part as |,
                $entity = $entity[0];
                @array = &MAILread_body(
                            $entity->{'head'}, $entity->{'body'},
                $ret = shift @array;
                if ($ret) {
                    push(@files, @array);
                } else {
                    $ret = &$UnrecognizedAltPartFunc();

        ## Else if message/rfc822 or message/news
        } elsif ($ctype =~ m^\bmessage/(?:rfc822|news)\b^i) {
            $parthead = &MAILread_header(*body, *partfields, *partl2o);
            $partcontent = $partfields{'content-type'};
            $partencoding = $partfields{'content-transfer-encoding'};

            $ret = &$BeginEmbeddedMesgFunc();
            if ($FormatHeaderFunc && defined(&$FormatHeaderFunc)) {
                $ret .= &$FormatHeaderFunc(*partfields, *partl2o);
            } else {
                warn "Warning: readmail: No message header formatting ",
                     "function defined\n";
            @array = &MAILread_body($parthead, $body,
                                    $partcontent, $partencoding);
            $ret .= shift @array || &$CantProcessPartFunc($partcontent);
            $ret .= &$EndEmbeddedMesgFunc();

            push(@files, @array);

        ## Else cannot handle type
        } else {
            $ret = '';

    ($ret, @files);

##      MAILread_header reads (and strips) a mail message header from the
##      variable *mesg.  *mesg is a pointer to the mail message.
##      *fields is a pointer to an associative array to put field
##      values indexed by field labels that have been converted to all
##      lowercase.  If a field repeats (eg Received fields), then each
##      value in $fields{$fieldname} will be a $FieldSep separated
##      string representing the multiple values.
##      *l2o is an associative array to get the original label text
##      from the lowercase field label keys.
##      The return value is the original (extracted) header text.
sub MAILread_header {
    local(*mesg, *fields, *l2o) = @_;
    local($label, $olabel, $value, $tmp, $header);

    $header = '';  %fields = ();  %l2o = ();  $label = '';

    ## Read a line at a time.
    while ($mesg =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)//) {
        $tmp = $1;                      # Save off match
        last  if $tmp =~ /^[\r]?$/;     # Done if blank line

        $header .= $tmp;                # Store original text
        $tmp =~ s/[\r\n]//g;            # Delete eol characters

        ## Decode text if requested
        $tmp = &MAILdecode_1522_str($tmp,1)  if $DecodeHeader;

        ## Check for continuation of a field
        if ($tmp =~ s/^\s//) {
            $fields{$label} .= $tmp  if $label;

        ## Separate head from field text
        if ($tmp =~ /^([^:\s]+):\s*([\s\S]*)$/) {
            ($olabel, $value) = ($1, $2);
            ($label = $olabel) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
            $l2o{$label} = $olabel;
            if ($fields{$label}) {
                $fields{$label} .= $FieldSep . $value;
            } else {
                $fields{$label} = $value;

##      MAILread_file_header reads (and strips) a mail message header
##      from the filehandle $handle.  The routine behaves in the
##      same manner as MAILread_header;
sub MAILread_file_header {
    local($handle, *fields, *l2o) = @_;
    local($label, $olabel, $value, $tmp, $header);
    local($d) = ($/);

    $/ = "\n";  $label = '';
    $header = '';  %fields = ();  %l2o = ();
    while (($tmp = <$handle>) !~ /^[\r]?$/) {

        ## Store original header
        $header .= $tmp;

        ## Delete eol characters
        $tmp =~ s/[\r\n]//g;

        ## Decode text if requested
        $tmp = &MAILdecode_1522_str($tmp,1)  if $DecodeHeader;

        ## Check for continuation of a field
        if ($tmp =~ s/^\s//) {
            $fields{$label} .= $tmp  if $label;

        ## Separate head from field text
        if ($tmp =~ /^([^:\s]+):\s*([\s\S]*)$/) {
            ($olabel, $value) = ($1, $2);
            ($label = $olabel) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
            $l2o{$label} = $olabel;
            if ($fields{$label}) {
                $fields{$label} .= $FieldSep . $value;
            } else {
                $fields{$label} = $value;
    $/ = $d;

##      MAILhead_get_disposition gets the content disposition and
##      filename from *hfields, *hfields is a hash produced by the
##      MAILread_head* routines.
sub MAILhead_get_disposition {
    local(*hfields) = shift;
    local($disp, $filename) = ('', '');

    if ($_ = $hfields{'content-disposition'}) {
        ($disp)     = /^\s*([^\s;]+)/;
        if (/filename="([^"]+)"/i) {
            $filename = $1;
        } elsif (/filename=(\S+)/i) {
            ($filename = $1) =~ s/;\s*$//g;
    if (!$filename) {
        $_ = $hfields{'content-type'};
        if (/name="([^"]+)"/i) {
            $filename = $1;
        } elsif (/name=(\S+)/i) {
            ($filename = $1) =~ s/;\s*$//g;
    $filename =~ s%.*[/\\:]%%;  # Remove any path component
    $filename =~ s/^\s+//;      # Remove leading whitespace
    $filename =~ s/\s+$//;      # Remove trailing whitespace
    ($disp, $filename);

##      MAILparse_parameter_str(): parses a parameter/value string.
##      Support for RFC 2184 extensions exists.  The $hasmain flag tells
##      the method if there is an intial main value for the sting.  For
##      example:
##          text/plain; charset=us-ascii
##      ----^^^^^^^^^^
##      The "text/plain" part is not a parameter/value pair, but having
##      an initial value is common among some header fields that can have
##      parameter/value pairs (egs: Content-Type, Content-Disposition).
##      Return Value:
##          Reference to a hash.  Each key is the attribute name.
##          The special key, 'x-main', is the main value if the
##          $hasmain flag is set.
##          Each hash value is a hash reference with three keys: 'charset',
##          'lang', 'value'.  'charset' and 'lang' may be undef.
##      Example Usage:
##          $content_type_field = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii';
##          $parms = MAILparse_parameter_str($content_type_field, 1);
##          $ctype = $parms->{'x-main'};
##          $mesg_body_charset = $parms->{'charset'}{'value'};
sub MAILparse_parameter_str {
    my $str     = shift;        # Input string
    my $hasmain = shift;        # Flag if there is a main value to extract

    require 'rfc822.pl';

    my $parm    = { };
    my(@toks)   = (rfc822::uncomment($str));
    my($tok, $name, $value, $charset, $lang, $part);

    $parm->{'x-main'} = shift @toks  if $hasmain;

    ## Loop thru token list
    while ($tok = shift @toks) {
        next if $tok eq ";";
        ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $tok, 2);
        ## Check if charset/lang specified
        if ($name =~ s/\*$//) {
            if ($value =~ s/^([^']*)'([^']*)'//) {
                ($charset, $lang) = ($1, $2);
            } else {
                ($charset, $lang) = (undef, undef);
        ## Check if parameter is only part
        if ($name =~ s/\*(\d+)$//) {
            $part = $1 - 1;     # we start at 0 internally
        } else {
            $part = 0;
        ## Set values for parameter
        $name = lc $name;
        $parm->{$name} = {
            'charset'   => $charset,
            'lang'      => $lang,
        ## Check if value is next token
        if ($value eq "") {
            ## If value next token, than it must be quoted
            $value = shift @toks;
            $value =~ s/^"//;  $value =~ s/"$//;  $value =~ s/\\//g;
        $parm->{$name}{'vlist'}[$part] = $value;

    ## Now we loop thru each parameter an define the final values from
    ## the parts
    foreach $name (keys %$parm) {
        $parm->{$name}{'value'} = join("", @{$parm->{$name}{'vlist'}});


##      Private Routines

##      Default function for unable to process a part of a multipart
##      message.
sub cantProcessPart {
    local($ctype) = $_[0];

    warn "Warning: Could not process part with given Content-Type: ",
    "<BR><TT>&lt;&lt;&lt; $ctype: Unrecognized &gt;&gt;&gt;</TT><BR>\n";
##      Default function for unrecognizeable part in multipart/alternative.
sub unrecognizedAltPart {
    warn "Warning: No recognizable part in multipart/alternative\n";
    "<BR><TT>&lt;&lt;&lt; multipart/alternative: ".
    "No recognizable part &gt;&gt;&gt;</TT><BR>\n";
##      Default function for beggining of embedded message
##      (ie message/rfc822 or message/news).
sub beginEmbeddedMesg {
    qq|<BLOCKQUOTE><BR><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="80%">\n|;
##      Default function for end of embedded message
##      (ie message/rfc822 or message/news).
sub endEmbeddedMesg {
    qq|<HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="80%"></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>\n|;


sub load_charset {
    require $MIMECharSetConvertersSrc{$_[0]}
        if defined($MIMECharSetConvertersSrc{$_[0]}) &&
sub load_decoder {
    my $enc = lc shift; $enc =~ s/\s//;
    require $MIMEDecodersSrc{$enc}
        if defined($MIMEDecodersSrc{$enc}) &&
sub load_filter {
    require $MIMEFiltersSrc{$_[0]}
        if defined($MIMEFiltersSrc{$_[0]}) &&

1; # for require

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