
Some users here wanted to "Reply to" archived mail messages. Below is
my solution. This puts a "Reply to this message" button on every
message. Note that the script attempts to preserve threading by
reading the "In-reply-to" and "references" headers.

The script can probably be improved, but works well for us.

Phil Macias * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Princeton, NJ

      |_|_,          609 987 5059 office         
        |            609 203 5874 cell           


1. put this is mhonarc.rc:

    ## "reply-to" link
    <form><input  type="button"  value="Respond to this message" 

2. place the file "mailer.pl" in your cgi-bin directory

3. archives are created with this command:

/usr/bin/mhonarc -expireage 15768000 -add -force $archive_dir/$_ -title $_ -outdir 
$doc_dir/$_ -rcfile /httpd/KSC/mhonarc.rc


## you want to change this
$majordomo_server = "majordomo.gfdl.noaa.gov";

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

if ( ($type eq "") || ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) )
    ## this allows for the "links as form buttons"
    if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})
        foreach(split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) )
            ($name, $value) = split(/=/);
            $hash{$name} = $value;
##  print "$name=$value<br>";
        read( STDIN,$message,$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} );
        $* = 1; # multi-line matching
        @items = split( /&/, $message );
        foreach $item ( @items ) 
            local( $name,$value ) = split( /=/, $item );
            $name =~ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack("C",hex($1))/gei;
            $name =~ s/\+/ /g;
            $name =~ s/([\w\W\s+\n])\+/$1 /;
            $value =~ s/%2B/PLUS_SIGN/gi;
            $value =~ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack("C",hex($1))/gei;
            $value =~ s/\+/ /g;
            $value =~ s/([\w\W\s+\n])\+/$1 /;
            $value =~ s/PLUS_SIGN/\+/g;
            $hash{$name} = $value;
            ## to check variables
##  print "$name=$value<br>";

if (!$hash{'action'}) 
    $cat = `lynx -dump $hash{'path'}/$hash{'file'}`;
    ## get the subject, ignoring all "Re:" 
    ($subject) = $cat =~ /\s+\* Subject:(.*)\n/;
    $subject =~ s/^(\s?Re:){1,}//i;
    $subject = "Re:$subject";

    $divider = "     
    ($text) = $cat =~ /\n\s+\[BUTTON\]\n$divider(.*)$divider/s;
    $text =~ s/\n/\n > /g;    

    ($also_to) = $hash{'path'} =~ /.*\/(.*)\.archive$/;
    $also_to = $also_to . "\@$majordomo_server";

    print "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"/cgi-bin/mailer.pl\">";
    print "<font size=-1><input type=hidden name=action value=mail>";
    print "To: <input size=60 name=\"to\" value=\"$also_to\"><br>";
    print "Cc: <input size=60 name=\"cc\" value=\"$hash{'from'}\"><br>";
    print "Bcc: <input size=60 name=\"bcc\"><br>";
    print "From: <input size=60 name=\"from\"><br>";
    print "Subject: <input size=60 name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\"><br>";

    ## "reply-to:" headers
    ## first look for "in-reply-to" then "references"
    ($message_id) = `grep X-Message-Id $hash{'path'}/$hash{'file'}` =~ /X-Message-Id: 
(.*) --\>/; 
    ## if it has a ";" it ain't a good reference
    if ($message_id =~ /\;/) 
        ($message_id) = `grep X-Reference $hash{'path'}/$hash{'file'}` =~ 
/X-Reference: (.*) --\>/;     

    print "<p>In-reply-to: <$message_id><br>";
    print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"in-reply-to\" value=\"$message_id\">";
    print "References: <$message_id><p>";
    print "<textarea name=\"text\" rows=40 cols=80>$text</textarea>";
    print "<center><INPUT VALUE=\"Submit\" TYPE=\"submit\"></form></center>";

if ($hash{'action'} eq "mail") 
    open (EMAILIT, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t");
    print EMAILIT "To: $hash{'to'}\n";
    print EMAILIT "Cc: $hash{'cc'}\n";
    print EMAILIT "Bcc: $hash{'bcc'}\n";
    print EMAILIT "From: $hash{'from'}\n";
    print EMAILIT "Subject: $hash{'subject'}\n";
    print EMAILIT "In-reply-to: <$hash{'in-reply-to'}>\n";
    print EMAILIT "References: <$hash{'in-reply-to'}>\n";
    print EMAILIT "--text follows this line--\n\n";
    print EMAILIT "$hash{'text'}\n";
    close (EMAILIT) || die "Message could not be delivered\n.";

    print "<p><b>Message sent</b>";

__ END  __

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