I'm sorry for asking a really silly question, but doesn't it make sense that any class should have a a space as either a dash or underscore?

If memory serves, the "url fn" would break the standard css formating...

-=Mark W. Wallace=-

On Apr 18, 2006, at 2:36 AM, Aaron R. Fulkerson wrote:

Should my a href classes be prefixed with an 'url '? Doesn't matter to Tails
b/c this doesn't work either, but this would seem logical, e.g.-

<div class="vcard" style="background-color: #FBFFBF; width:375px;
line-height: normal; padding: 5px;" >
<img src="http://ninje.com/images/e/ea/AaronFulkerson.png"; alt="photo"
class="photo" style="float:left; margin:5px; margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-right:10px; padding: 10px;"/>

<a class="url fn" href="http://www.ninje.com";>Aaron R. Fulkerson</ a><br/>

<div class="title">VP Operations &amp; Cofounder</div>

<a class="url org" href="http://www.mindtouch.com";>MindTouch</a>

<div class="adr">
<div class="street-address">413 Wacouta Street #250</div>
 <span class="locality">Saint Paul</span>,
   <span class="region">MN</span>
     <span class="postal-code">55101</span>
<div class="tel">
 <span class="value">+1.651.793.0010</span>
 <span class="type">work</span><br/>
 <span class="value">+1.651.793.0011</span>
 <span class="type">fax</span><br/>
<span class="value">+1.651.230.5082</span> <span class="type">mobile</span>
<a class="url email" href="mailto:aaronf[SPAM] @mindtouch.com">aaronf at
mindtouch dot com</a>

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