[uf-discuss] hCard and vCard agents

2007-02-19 Thread Steve Marshall
On another mailing list, someone was asking how best to provide hCards for a company and its agents without having to replicate the company's data to each hCard. Of course, one way to achieve this is using the include-pattern. A better, more consistent (with vCard) way, though, would be to embed t

[uf-discuss] Microformat versioning

2006-12-13 Thread Steve Marshall
So I'm currently working with hListing and, wanting to be a good little microformatter, I thought it wise to include a reference to the version of hListing I'm using, only to realise that I'd have to include a 0.0 (or similar) within each listing or included from elsewhere in the page. This, to m

Re: [uf-discuss] Proposal: wine

2006-11-16 Thread Steve Marshall
On 11/16/06, James Jory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I think you misunderstood at least where I'm coming from. I jumped in on this thread since it was discussing wine but I was not intending to propose a wine microformat (as the original subject indicates). Anyway, what I was asking about was the b

Re: [uf-discuss] Proposal: wine

2006-11-16 Thread Steve Marshall
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't everything you both mentioned covered by the much more generic proposal for hListing [1]? If we were to go down the route of a wine µF, the next step would be beer, but then the real-ale types would want a real-ale one, and the lager people would want a lager on