Since nobody else seems to be dropping a line in the discussion board about this, I may as well.

This entry was placed in the wikipedia a short while ago by Tim Gambell

Personally, I think it's an interesting idea, possibly because I would find it terribly useful myself. Though I can think of a few problems such a format could solve, it's a curious absence from Tim Gambell's entries, which could present some ambiguities when it comes to the choices to be made in terms of the properties which get chosen. In addition, many art sites get really iffy about copyrights, so I would be very careful not to tread on anyone's toes.

Just to open discussion, here are the problems it might solve for me:

Problem #1. I'm a college student who takes art history courses. At many times I have been presented with the problem of creating flash cards for the exams in these courses. How much time I could have saved with a work-of-art aggregator, and an xslt sheet which could produce printable flashcards automatically from the wide range of art sites out in the wild.

Problem #2. I mentioned previously that I would be shortly redesigning an art gallery's website making heavy use of microformats. I was just informed that they want to reproduce photographs of all the art and sculpture from each artist for the purposes of working with clientelle in making an informed decision about the purchase of art work. With a microformat as a guide to "best practices" such a catalogue could easily be collected into a searchable database.

Potential pitfalls:
How would this microformat fit into a Gallery Schema? with next and previous links, and thumbnails etc, which you see often in artist's portfolios, and sites like flickr.

Would this include photographs as a work-of-art? would it be worth distinguishing between a photograph of a peice of art, and a photograph which IS the art?

There seems to be a large amount of overlap with hReview. While hReview isn't a perfect fit, one would want to re-use as much of the work done on hReview as possible.

As I work on this Gallery site, I may find myself contributing to 'work-of-art"

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