On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 03:25:29PM -0500, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:16:16 -0600
> Ben Kamen <bka...@benjammin.net> wrote:
> > > Nov 22 13:43:22 cornelius mimedefang.pl[11099]: rAMJhIGv015058:
> > > Message contains more than one Subject: header:  <and then some
> > > subject line which I removed for this post>
> You should not call read_commands_file from filter_end.  It should only
> be called from filter_relay, filter_helo, filter_sender or filter_recipient

Is it OK to call read_commands_file() from filter_relay?  When I do, I
get this error:

   mimedefang.pl[6920]: Cannot open COMMANDS file from mimedefang: No such file 
or directory
   mimedefang[6935]: Error from multiplexor: error: Cannot open COMMANDS file 
from mimedefang: No such file or directory

I think the man page said it can only be called from filter_sender and
filter_recipient, but I was hoping I could use it in filter_relay to
get access to %SendmailMacros.


Mark Costlow    | Southwest Cyberport | Fax:   +1-505-232-7975
che...@swcp.com | Web:   www.swcp.com | Voice: +1-505-232-7992

Mail Minder - Intelligent Push Notifications for Email on the iPhone
http://mailminderapp.com/download  or in the App Store

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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