Aug  8 12:00:53.067 [19948] dbg: learn: auto-learn: message score:
13.934, computed score for autolearn: 17.583
Aug  8 12:00:53.067 [19948] dbg: learn: auto-learn? ham=0, spam=7,
body-points=7.448, head-points=5.511, learned-points=-1.9
Aug  8 12:00:53.067 [19948] dbg: learn: auto-learn: autolearn_force
not flagged for a rule. Body Only Points: 7.448 (3 req'd) / Head Only
Points: 5.511 (3 req'd)
Aug  8 12:00:53.067 [19948] dbg: learn: auto-learn? no: scored as spam
but learner indicated ham (-1.9 < -1)

Is this something that I can fix? I want stuff to be trained as spam
but it doesn't seem to make it. I am thinking it's either a setting I
am not aware of or I need to retrain my bayes DB ham. Any help would
be great.
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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