Hello All,

        Has anyone had success with creating a PTR exemption list using
mimedefang 'filter_sender' or any other technology?   After looking
around the net, it appears that Mimedefang's 'filter_sender' might be
able to do this.   I have a Sendmail/Mimedefang setup, and Sendmail
interprets a sender with multiple (more than ~10) PTR records as
having no PTR record at all.

        I have attempted to try this Sendmail Hack
(http://www.cs.niu.edu/~rickert/cf/hack/require_rdns.m4), but one of
it's rules conflicts with something else I have in place (rDNS) check
now rejects valid PTRs.

        Since Mimedefang is a milter call from Sendmail, I need to see if I
can make Sendmail think these senders who have non-compliant PTR
records are valid and are exempted from being rejected as having no

      Or more examples/documentation on 'filter_sender' would be nice.

Red King
Dharma Initiative - Hydra Station
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