On Wed, 06 Jun 2012 14:19:53 -0400
"Kevin A. McGrail" <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

> However, I use dedicated, unique email addresses for the vast
> majority of my accounts as I'm sure others on this list do.

*shameless plug*

Our commecial product, CanIt, has a "Locked Addresses" feature that
lets you create random email addresses and lock them to a specific
sending domain.  My LinkedIn login was
t99ef724coxc3...@la.roaringpenguin.com, for example.

> In short, yes, LinkedIn had a breach apparently.  However, if you use 
> decent passwords that are unique as any security person will extoll,
> the damage should be highly limited.

Sure.  But I found lately that most messages from LinkedIn were spam
anyway, so it was no real loss to terminate my account.


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