On 15/08/2005, at 12:53 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:

Stewart wrote:

Is it that the attachments are being processed  in the same
directory and under load some messages are being processed at the same
time as each other out of the same directory?

No, that's not possible at all.

That's about the only
explanation i can think of for the behaviour i'm seeing - although now i think of it, doesn't MD create a temp dir under /var/spool/ MIMEDefang
for each message it's processing?

Yes, and the temp directory is named the same as the sendmail queue- ID, which is guaranteed never to repeat for N years, where N is a very large
number. :-)

ah i thought so, thanks for clearing that up..

Also i'm wondering about the '-f Work $path' of the original line as
'Work' doesn't seem to be a perl variable or a parameter that (my
version of) ytnef seems to know about.

mimedefang.pl unpacks INPUTMSG into a directory called Work, under the
current working directory.

which is the aforementioned qid-named directory, yes?

I'm still collecting info from my users but latest clue might be that the offending filenames start with ._ - which suggests the possibility of Mac OS X resource forks to me (and explains why they're 0 byte length) but until i know more about where the attachments originated from i can't be certain. But perhaps a regex somewhere isn't dealing with dot files properly?


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