On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 01:41:12PM +0000, Andrew Watkins wrote:
> Sorry slighly off topic but question, but need to check before install 
> sendmail patches.
> Should you use the same libmilter version that comes with sendmail or 
> will a previous one do. The reason is Sun(Solaris 10) have just release 
> a sendmail patch(upgrade to 8.13.8) which does not contain a libmilter.
> The milter files are in a kernel patch which seems to be for sendmail 
> 8.13.7 (libmilter does not have any version numbers).
> I do not want to upgrade and then have problems?
> I will down load a version of sendmail.org to see if I can find the answer.

The difference between sendmail versions 8.13.7 and 8.13.8 is not great
- you will not have a problem with the upgrade. A libmilter application
(like mimedefang) compiled against 8.13.7 will be compatible with
sendmail 8.13.8.

So in your case, there should be no problem.

The same cannot necessarily be said about upgrades to sendmail 8.14,
though. I believe a libmilter from sendmail 8.13 will work on
sendmail 8.14, but I haven't tested it myself.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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