Hi All,
        A little off topic but Can anyone give me some pointers. I have
my mimedefang gateway ready to go but I wanted some advice before I put
it live.

The setup is as follows: mail coming in is forwarded from the firewall
to the mimedefang gateway which will then relay the mail on to an
exchange server for local delivery. On the way out the exchange is using
a smart host to pass the mail to the mimedefang gateway and then out to
the world at large.

I just want to check, 

Will the mimedefang gateway perform all of the scanning on the mail that
is to be relayed?

Both incoming and outgoing?

Also I am not a sendmail expert, is there anything that you can point
out to me as 'obvious mistakes' not to make when relaying through
sendmail. I don't want to inadvertently become a spammer myself.

Many thanks,

Andrew Jayes

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