Erik Abele schrieb:

On 09.12.2004, at 13:12, Andreas Ernst wrote:

Joshua Slive schrieb:

Andreas Ernst wrote:

URL of mirror:

You don't appear to have the full suggested configuration implimented. For example, the "description" column is empty in the httpd directory.


Hello Joshua,

i did exactly what is shown on the Apache Website:

<Directory /srv/mirrors/apache>
IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* FoldersFirst ScanHTMLTitles DescriptionWidth=*

Looks correct but it seems that FoldersFirst and ScanHTMLTitles are not recognized properly. Not sure, but maybe this is a problem with your Apache version (2.0.49). As far as I can remember there were some broken things concerning descriptions in index listings in 2.0.48...


 HeaderName HEADER.html
 ReadmeName README.html
 AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
 Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch


...meanwhile i have running Apache 2.0.50, please check again.

I just checked some other mirros, i.e.:


They all look like 'my' Apache does.


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