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From: "Tonny Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 7. Oktober 2004 22:53:28 MESZ
Subject: Apache mirror resource usage

Hi Eric,

I see you replying to Apache mirror requests so I hope you might be able to

I would like to become an Apache mirror but I would like to know what
resource load to expect:
- What is the bandwidth usage
- What is the # downloads/sec (a typical graph for a week would be nice)
- Can I distribute the load to several networks?
- If I exceed my quota, can I redirect to another network or suspend?
- Do I have any control over the load?




I'm not able to provide any detailed statistics but some of the mirror administrators subscribed to the mirrors mailing list (cc'ed) reported some useful stats in the past. Have a look at the mailing list archives [1] or see the following URL for the statistics of a random US mirror:

Maybe someone can come up with some other stats or even help you with some of your other questions.



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