On 25/08/2003, at 09:32, Andrej Primc wrote:


We've set up a new Apache mirror. It is located in Slovenia (SI).


Okay, looks good so far. I'll add it with the next update together with your address as the contact info ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

One minor issue: perhaps you can have a look at your config; especially at the IndexIgnore directive (see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexignore) since you're exposing dotfiles and the HEADER/README.html files.

For example use the default settings:

# IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t

But this is only a cosmetic change and doesn't affect the usefullness of the mirror, so I'll add it in any case.


Best regards,
Andrej Primc

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